
Rep. Marshall Comments on House Action to Approve the 2019-20 State Budget

Jun. 26, 2019  Download

House lawmakers have voted to support a 2019-20 General Fund budget that continues a multi-year effort to hold the line on taxes, fees and spending. Total state spending would be set at $33.997 billion, a 1.8% increase over the current fiscal year, which is in line with the rate of inflation. The plan provides for a record level of spending on education and includes a deposit of more than $250 million into the Rainy-Day Fund, the state’s primary “savings account.” Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver & Butler) offered the following comments on the budget legislation.


Rep. Marshall Says He is Cautiously Optimistic about the Governor's Budget Address

Feb. 05, 2019  Download

Gov. Tom Wolf unveiled his 2019-2020 state budget proposal on Tuesday in Harrisburg. The $34 billion spending plan represents a nearly 1 billion dollar increase in state spending over last year. Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver & Butler) said he is pleased to see the emphasis on workforce development in the Governor's budget proposal.


Rep. Marshall Comments on House Passage of 2018-19 State Budget

Jun. 21, 2018  Download

The Fiscal Year 2018-19 General Appropriation bill (House Bill 2121) is on its way to the state Senate for consideration after the House of Representatives passed it Thursday by a vote of 188-10. The $32.7 billion spending plan increases growth by 1.7 percent, which is below the rate of inflation (2.13 percent), requires no additional taxes or revenues and officially erases a deficit. The budget also includes a record high $12.3 billion investment in education from pre-k through 12th grade, with additional increases in funding for career and technical education as well as higher education. The budget bill is expected to be sent to the governor prior to June 30, after anticipated Senate passage.


Rep. Marshall Comments on Bill to Prohibit Down Syndrome Abortions

Mar. 12, 2018  Download

Eliminating abortion procedures that are performed specifically to prevent the birth of Down syndrome children was the topic of a rally held Monday in the state capitol. House Speaker Mike Turzai (R-Allegheny) and Rep. Judy Ward (R-Blair) were joined by other lawmakers in support of their bill, which would amend the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act to prevent the abortion of any child solely due to a diagnosis of possible Down syndrome. Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver) commented on the proposed legislation.


Rep. Marshall Comments on Governor's Budget Proposal

Feb. 06, 2018  Download

The Governor unveiled his 2018-19 state budget proposal before a joint session of the Pennsylvania House and Senate in Harrisburg on Tuesday. The Governor’s plan calls for $33 Billion in state spending, approximately $1 Billion more than the Commonwealth spent last year.


Marshall Comments on Governor's Budget Address

Feb. 07, 2017  Download

Governor Tom Wolf delivered his annual budget address before a joint session of Pennsylvania’s House and Senate on Tuesday in Harrisburg. The Governor proposed a $32.3 billion spending plan with no new major taxes for the upcoming fiscal year. House Republicans were encouraged by the Governor’s decision to work with lawmakers to explore several cost-saving measures in order to balance the budget.


Marshall Pleased with Shell’s Announcement They Will Follow Through on Building a Natural Gas Cracker Plant in Beaver County

Jun. 07, 2016  Download

State lawmakers are pleased with the recent announcement by Shell Chemical that they will commit to the construction of a major petrochemical complex in Beaver County that includes an ethylene cracker plant. Development of the plant is viewed as a major victory for those who championed pro-growth state energy policies that put incentives in place to encourage the use of natural gas produced in Pennsylvania. Building the plant is expected to create as many as 6000 construction jobs and an additional 600 full-time permanent jobs to staff the facility near Pittsburgh.


Rep. Marshall Comments on the Latest House Effort to Finalize the State Budget

Mar. 16, 2016  Download

Lawmakers took action Wednesday in the state capitol to provide essential funding for the remainder of the 2015/2016 state budget. The current year’s fiscal plan remains unresolved due to the Governor’s line-item vetoes of more than $6 billion for basic and higher education, as well as money for the Department of Corrections and agriculture programs. The House and Senate put forth the supplemental budget legislation to address funding holes created by the Governor’s vetoes and restore state funding for these programs. The funding bill approved today provides for a 200 million dollar increase for basic education, a 5 percent increase for higher education, and ensures that no schools will close in the Commonwealth. Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver)v said it is past time to complete the budget and hopes the governor will not continue to use his veto power to hold these programs hostage.


Rep. Marshall Joins Members of MADD in Call for Legislative Action on Expanded Ignition Interlock Bill This Year

Mar. 15, 2016  Download

Lawmakers were joined by members of Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) Tuesday in Harrisburg to call for action on legislation that would expand Pennsylvania’s ignition interlock program to make the devices mandatory for first-time DUI offenders with blood alcohol levels that measure over .10 percent. Ignition interlock systems have been proven effective in reducing recidivism rates for drunk driving, and in the 15 states that have enacted similar laws, drunk driving deaths have declined by as much as 45 percent. Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver) said he believes the expanded ignition interlock bill should be a high priority for action by the House Transportation Committee this year.


Rep. Marshall Offers His Reaction to the Governor’s Budget Address

Feb. 10, 2016  Download

Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver & Butler) offered his reaction to Gov. Tom Wolf’s spending proposal for fiscal year 2016-17, which was announced Tuesday in an address before a joint session of the General Assembly. The governor’s budget plan would increase taxes on working Pennsylvanians and employers by $3.6 billion and spending by 10 percent, or $3 billion, and calls for $33.3 billion in total spending. To support his proposed spending plan the governor has proposed 15 new tax increases, including a retroactive increase in the Personal Income Tax on Pennsylvania workers.