May. 11, 2020

CHIPPEWA –Rep. Jim Marshall (R-Beaver/Butler) has canceled the Donuts and Discussion event scheduled for Friday, June 5, at his office because of coronavirus health concerns. He also canceled the senior expo planned for Friday, Sept. 25, at the Chippewa Community Life Center.

“Unfortunately, the virus is still preventing us from returning to our lives as we were used to living them. Part of that means people still shouldn’t gather in large crowds, especially those who are older,” Marshall said. “I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.”

Marshall and his staff continue to provide state services for residents of the 14th District throughout the pandemic. Residents are encouraged to call the district office at 724-847-1352 or visit his website at

Representative Jim Marshall
14th District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives

Media Contact: Alison Evans